4,375 Acres to be Logged and Burned in Hoosier National Forest

We urgently need your help in contacting the officials listed below to stop this ill-advised project and compel the Forest Service to consider alternatives.
In Defense of the Endangered Species Act

But now, in the U.S. House, a barrage of nine bills have been introduced to weaken the law, and one bill draft has been released in the Senate. Furthermore, Secretary of Interior Ryan Zinke has also just released a series of regulatory rollbacks to the ESA.
From Lichens to Flying Squirrels: Ecoblitz Results Reveal Complexity of an Older Indiana Forest

This relatively undisturbed forest in the Back Country Area (BCA) of Morgan-Monroe State Forest has great species complexity and high species richness in the absence of intense forest management. One tract of Yellowwood has been logged, but other parts of the BCA remain intact for now, and IFA will continue the Ecoblitz in these unlogged areas.