A bill that would wipe out protections for Indiana’s regulated wetlands and rare, biologically rich wetland forests is headed to a full vote before the Indiana Senate, possibly as early as Monday.
It is critical that we act now to stop Senate Bill 389 before it progresses any further and endangers the few wetlands Indiana has left.
Wetlands used to cover 25% of the total land area of Indiana. Today, they cover less than 4%. This bill would forever erase legal protections for 75% of the state’s remaining wetlands. This should be of particular concern to forest lovers because about 56% of all isolated wetlands in the state are forested wetlands.
These wetlands purify our water and refill our drinking water aquifers. They also are critical for the future of our natural lakes and provide essential wildlife habitat. And they reduce the risk of flooding in our communities, acting like sponges outside our neighborhoods and cities protecting our homes from flood damage.
Don’t let Indiana senators take these wetlands and their benefits away from us. Contact your senator today and tell them to vote “no” on Senate Bill 389.
Find contact information for your senator at http://iga.in.gov/legislative/find-legislators/.