Logging Set-Aside Bill At Risk

One of IFA’s 2025 priority bills, HB1447 hit an obstacle last week as intense pressure from the logging industry has slowed the progress of this bill.

This bill, authored by Rep. Dave Hall (R-Norman) and co-authored by Reps. Kyle Miller (D-Fort Wayne) and Robb Greene (R-Shelbyville) will require the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to set aside 10% of each State Forest to return to the old growth condition in tracts of at least 500 acres when possible. While 10% may not sound like a lot, the 16,000 acres that would be protected far surpasses the current 4,000 acres of State Forest set aside from logging.

Governor Mike Braun himself drafted this exact legislation in 2014 when he was a State Representative, but the logging industry is nonetheless pressuring bill author Rep. Dave Hall (R-Norman) and House Natural Resources Committee Chair Rep. Shane Lindauer (R-Jasper) to stop this bill.

Rep. Hall, Rep. Lindauer and Gov. Braun need to hear from you. Use the contact information below to tell them we must pass HB1447 and save this 10% of our State Forests for future generations to enjoy. Urge Chair Rep. Lindauer to give this bill a hearing in committee and urge Rep. Hall and Gov. Braun to stand strong in their support for this legislation!

As governor, Braun has the authority to order the DNR to officially, publicly support this bill. We must act NOW to ensure there is time for a hearing to be set.

Click here to contact Rep. Shane Lindauer

Click here to contact Rep. Dave Hall

Click here to contact Governor Braun

Alternatively, you can contact all three in one email by using the following addresses:




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