Second Chance Comments on Old Growth in HNF Due Friday!

The public has a rare second chance to protect our last remaining old growth forests. However, the September 20 deadline is rapidly approaching.

All IFA supporters should take advantage of this historic opportunity and submit comments on the US Forest Service’s July 21 Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) which raise the following points:

  1. Eastern Deciduous forests are part of this important plan amendment. They have to be considered as an endangered ecosystem, distinct from forests in the west.
  2. Mature growth must be allowed to grow to old growth status to adhere to President Biden’s Executive Order 14072. Mature and old growth stands must be managed differently than younger age classes because of their unique characteristics and importance.
  3. All current projects with mature and old growth stands must be paused until amendments can be made to their respective forest plans.
  4. The Forest Service must recognize that old growth forests in the east are forests that have not been significantly disturbed by human management for a long time (80 or more years). Such uneven aged natural forests have developed the greatest species diversity and span of tree ages that makes them more resistant to pests and diseases and more resilient to climate change. Their management for old growth conditions should not ignore this fact and eliminate those undisturbed conditions under the ruse of addressing “forest health.”

You may submit your comments directly by clicking here. 

The deadline to submit your comments is this Friday, September 20.

IFA is continuing to craft its own comments on this DEIS which we will release once they are submitted.

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