IFA Completes Preliminary Ranking of Indianapolis’ Urban Forests
There’s a place where kids discover magical powers, adults become kids again, and time stands still. You know that place …
Houston South: IFA joins lawsuit that challenges federal plan to log and burn huge swath of Hoosier National Forest
IFA is joining other organizations to stop the U.S. Forest Service from logging, burning, and applying herbicides to a large section of Hoosier National Forest.
Ruffed Grouse: IFA Statement on the Petition to List the Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus) as a State Endangered Species
Statement of Jeff Stant, Executive Director, Indiana Forest Alliance Regarding Item 16 on the Agenda of the Indiana Natural Resources Commission Concerning the Petition to List the Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus) as a State Endangered Species
A Teachable (Tree) Moment at an Indianapolis School
“I think there is always an alternative where we can co-habitat with the nature around us,” said Jerome Delbridge, an ISA certified arborist.
Banding Together for What Belongs to All of Us
Publicly owned land provides a rich opportunity to create large contiguous sections of undisturbed forest that can be allowed to mature into true old growth conditions that will act as a repository for the plants and animals that need this environment to thrive.
Lake Monroe’s Watershed & Hoosier National Forest: Defining “Public Good”
Of the 24% of the watershed that is state forest (Morgan-Monroe and Yellowwood), logging projects are completed, planned, or ongoing in both.
Forests to Faucets: Logging in the Hoosier National Forest & the Lake Monroe Watershed
Many forests leads to faucets — watersheds and forests are naturally interconnected.
Preserving Our Way Out of the Climate Crisis
We were saddened to learn that logging may be harvesting many of the mature trees in Indiana’s State Forests. This is especially true of Salamonie River State Forest.
What’s Wrong With the Plan to Log Salamonie River State Forest
… the deep woods habitat that [Salamonie River State Forest provides] is much more rare in northern Indiana.
“I owe it to these forests … I know they are what saved me.”
It’s important to keep fighting for the trees. They need us and we need them.