IFA Gains Ground in the Indiana State House But We Must Keep at It!
An amendment to SB 363 calling for the set aside of 10% of state forests failed to pass the State House of Representatives in March by a vote of 42 […]
Contact Your Legislators to Protect Indiana’s State Forests!
By Jeff Stant, IFA Executive Director Updated March 22, 2019 Virtually every week, the Indiana Forest Alliance hears from concerned Hoosiers about proposed logging in their favorite areas of Indiana’s […]
Senate Bill 610 Creates Accountability for Indiana State Forests
Call your Indiana State Senator today at (800) 382-9467. Express your support for this bill and ask that they contact Senator Sue Glick, Chair of the Senate Natural Resources Committee, and ask that this bill have a hearing.
Banding Together for What Belongs to All of Us
Publicly owned land provides a rich opportunity to create large contiguous sections of undisturbed forest that can be allowed to mature into true old growth conditions that will act as a repository for the plants and animals that need this environment to thrive.
Lake Monroe’s Watershed & Hoosier National Forest: Defining “Public Good”
Of the 24% of the watershed that is state forest (Morgan-Monroe and Yellowwood), logging projects are completed, planned, or ongoing in both.
Forests to Faucets: Logging in the Hoosier National Forest & the Lake Monroe Watershed
Many forests leads to faucets — watersheds and forests are naturally interconnected.
“I owe it to these forests … I know they are what saved me.”
It’s important to keep fighting for the trees. They need us and we need them.
A Call to Action: Owen-Putnam State Forest
On June 11, IFA intern Anna Hopkins took her camera to Owen-Putnam State Forest to survey two soon-to-be-logged forest tracts with members of Owen-Putnam Friends of the Forest.
Next Steps After the Moral Victory at Yellowwood
“The debate about our state forests is about politics,” said IFA Executive Director Jeff Stant in a statement to the media. It’s about quality of life in Indiana, the conservation of our heritage, and public input in a democracy. We must insist that some of our state forests remain forever wild, for our emotional well-being and the survival of many declining forest-dependent species.
In Defense of Outdoor Recreation: Tourism Leaders Speak Out for State Forests
According to the latest U.S. Census Data, more than two million people live within 20 miles of Indiana’s state forests and more than 14.5 million people live within 100 miles of our state forests. If the state forests were seen as desirable destinations, more outfitters, bed & breakfasts, and cafes would spring up. The 59% of Hoosiers who participate in outdoor recreation are an untapped market for our state forests.