From Lichens to Flying Squirrels: Ecoblitz Results Reveal Complexity of an Older Indiana Forest

This relatively undisturbed forest in the Back Country Area (BCA) of Morgan-Monroe State Forest has great species complexity and high species richness in the absence of intense forest management. One tract of Yellowwood has been logged, but other parts of the BCA remain intact for now, and IFA will continue the Ecoblitz in these unlogged areas.
Fine Today, Disastrous Tomorrow: The Wisdom of Balance

Truth is, we don’t always know what we don’t know even if we are well-trained and well-intentioned scientists or foresters. The Division made its recommendations based on what they knew at the time. Unfortunately for our forests, we are continuing to pay the price for these good intentions.
Gambling with our Natural Heritage

That is what our Governor is doing. Gambling with your and your grandchildren’s future: our natural heritage and the species that depend upon us.
DNR Plays Defense as Public Pressure Mounts on Gov. Holcomb

Using single-tree selection now, and 20 years from now, and another 20 years from now, meaning the forest — which could have be considered an old-growth forest roughly 30 years from now — will never get the chance to become old.
Brown County Artist to Gov. Holcomb: “Preserve the closed canopy forest”

Cutting the forest is like cutting the soul out of the heart of the people.
228 Scientists to Gov. Holcomb: “Conserve major portions of our state forests”

The 228 scientists are urging Gov. Holcomb to set aside areas from timber harvest and reduce the rate of logging in state forests.
“Dear Division of Forestry…”

We disagree heartily with many assertions in the letter. Below, IFA Executive Director Jeff Stant addresses every point in this six-page rebuttal. Here’s Seifert’s letter, with highlights of Stant’s rebuttal inserted in blue.
Defending Your Right to Wilderness Recreation: 5 More Actions You Can Take

This 2,700 acre BCA is the largest tract of old forest left in our state forests since logging was escalated by 400% over the last 12 years to restore 30% of the DOF’s budget cut by the Legislature. The oldest trees in this tract are 130 to 160 years old.
Citizens to Gov. Holcomb: “Value of our state forests cannot be measured in board feet & dollars”

Here, we share powerful excerpts of messages from outraged citizens to Gov. Holcomb’s office.
Tell the Governor Now: It’s Wrong to Log this Brown County Forest, and Here’s Why

The plans will log the most remote and pristine hollow which contains tulip poplars, sugar maples and northern red oaks between 150 and 200 years old. IFA conducts part of our Ecoblitz flora/fauna survey in this area, and we know it to be exceptionally diverse in terms of animal and plant life.