Defending Your Right to Wilderness Recreation: 5 More Actions You Can Take

This 2,700 acre BCA is the largest tract of old forest left in our state forests since logging was escalated by 400% over the last 12 years to restore 30% of the DOF’s budget cut by the Legislature. The oldest trees in this tract are 130 to 160 years old.
Tell the Governor Now: It’s Wrong to Log this Brown County Forest, and Here’s Why

The plans will log the most remote and pristine hollow which contains tulip poplars, sugar maples and northern red oaks between 150 and 200 years old. IFA conducts part of our Ecoblitz flora/fauna survey in this area, and we know it to be exceptionally diverse in terms of animal and plant life.
Trees, Joy & Grief: A Meditation on Logging

These magnificent trees are not a crop. They are home to a myriad of plant and animal life. Trees give us shade. They block noise pollution. Trees clean our soil and provide life-giving oxygen. They provide us inspiration, beauty and the rejuvenation of our spirits.
Shock & Shame at Yellowwood Lake Trail

This fall, my husband wanted to hike down this same trail. I was hesitant because of what I might find, but I agreed to go, hoping that maybe they had just taken a few select trees. As we started down the trail, things appeared to be normal, but soon I was absolutely shocked and depressed when I saw that they had cut a huge swath right next to the trail.