Forest-Foraged Feast

Where Wild Food Is Prepared by a Great Chef

Thanks to everyone who joined with IFA, philanthropists, conservationists and other dignitaries on Thursday, September 29, 2022 at Courses Restaurant, on the penthouse level of the IVY Tech Culinary and Conference Center, in mid-town Indianapolis. The sold-out capacity crowd enjoyed a one-of-a-kind dining experience and silent auction as they looked out on the panoramic views of the Indianapolis urban forest tree canopy and learned more about the work IFA is doing with our Forests for Indy project. 

To sponsor events like this one contact Jennifer Christie.  

Want to know more about our responsible foraging process for this event? Learn more.

See what foraging looks like in this fun video from our allies at the White Pine Wilderness Academy!


Images from the 2021 Forest-Foraged Feast Celebrating IFA's 25th Anniversary