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Logging & the Indiana Bat: Mitigating Disaster
Using the precautionary principle, the EIS should evaluate alternatives that conserve enough Indiana Bat habitat in an unlogged condition to make up for any incidental take.
Since When is an Early Death “Healthy”?
Our hardwood forests have substantially longer growth cycles than current logging allows. White oak, tulip poplar, sugar maple and American beech have maximum life spans of 300 to 600 years and average life spans of 100 to 300 years.
The Trees at Crown Hill Woods “Have a Life”
Forests matter, and people are willing to speak out to protect them. In the words of a second grader at the School for Community Learning: the trees there have a life.
What Can Save a 300-Year-Old Indianapolis Forest?
We are about to lose the only old-growth forest in inner city Indianapolis. Your calls to your Congresspeople are the only way to save these trees.
Defeating the Purpose: Logging at Hardy Lake
IFA has learned that on August 8, the Indiana DNR Division of Parks & Reservoirs will conduct a timber sale and private harvest in one of the largest tracts of deep, interior forest at Hardy Lake State Recreation Area, located in Scott and Jefferson counties.
The Rise and Fall of the Ruffed Grouse, and Associated Myths
A DNR biologist once told me that the hunters could never kill enough grouse to harm the population as a whole. Grouse were resilient and as long as there was adequate habitat they would continue to thrive, he explained. Which brings us to the big lie: “Grouse need clearcuts.”
The Value of Tranquility: A Tribute to Richard Lieber
It is essential, dear Hoosiers, that you see the power that your voice, your opinions, your values have in preserving our natural heritage. We must stand tall, and continue Richard Lieber’s true vision.
Preserving the Parents of the Forest
I once made a promise to an old tree as I was gathering up some mulch from its interior that I would help some trees next time and being able to do that is one of the greatest feelings I know.
A Cycle Interrupted: How Current State Logging Practices Short-Circuit Nature for Profit
Today’s state foresters are not allowing this natural cycle to occur, and their interruptive and fruitless efforts to grow currently popular intermediate hardwoods short-circuits this forest succession in the second stage.
Not Gullible Enough to Believe…
At the encouragement of the Indiana Forest Alliance, dozens — even hundreds — of citizens have been contacting Governor Mike Pence to ask him to limit logging on our state forests, and to set aside 13 State Wild Areas.
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