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Join Our Push for Carbon Legislation to Help Preserve Private Forests
A huge opportunity to encourage the preservation of private woodlands and generate money for the creation of more public forests is scheduled to be considered Feb. 1 by the Indiana Senate Natural Resources Committee.

Experienced political fundraiser is IFA’s new development director
Attorney Morgan Whitacre, who has deep experience as a political fundraiser, is the new development director at the Indiana Forest Alliance. Whitacre has served as campaign finance director for US Congressman André Carson, Indiana State

New surveys show endangered animals live in Hoosier National Forest area targeted for burning and logging
Indiana Forest Alliance calls on U.S. Forest Service to alter its plans to protect the animals

Clear cut near Eagle Creek shows need for stronger urban forest protections
New Forests for Indy report will identify city’s critical forests, launch neighborhood discussions on better conservation strategies

Dave Seastrom is New President of IFA Board of Directors
He was a leading force in the fight against logging in Yellowwood State Forest.

Professor, Interns Discover Rare Insect in National Forest That Most Entomologists Have Never Seen
Biologists consider forcepflies to be a biological mystery. All they know is that these insects tend to be found in deciduous forests near water and that they are nocturnal.

IFA Completes Preliminary Ranking of Indianapolis’ Urban Forests
There’s a place where kids discover magical powers, adults become kids again, and time stands still. You know that place …

Fundraising Events Postponed Out of Concern Over COVID-19 Pandemic
“… this is the prudent step to take to help prevent the transmission of coronavirus and protect the health of our supporters …”

Statement in Solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement
IFA pledges to continue its mission to protect and restore Indiana’s forests not only in rural and suburban Indiana but particularly in our urban communities for the use and enjoyment of all. We will also double down on our efforts to battle climate change, a plague that disproportionately makes it more difficult for minority communities to live and breathe.

Houston South: IFA joins lawsuit that challenges federal plan to log and burn huge swath of Hoosier National Forest
IFA is joining other organizations to stop the U.S. Forest Service from logging, burning, and applying herbicides to a large section of Hoosier National Forest.
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